Electronics Hub excellent educational blog for engineering students in providing great information on various electronics projects ideas, circuits, electronics tools, etc. from basic level to advanced level.


Project Ideas For EEE Students

Top and best electronics projects ideas for EEE students along with all sources like circuit diagram, code, abstract and output video

Electronics Engineering in Wireless Technology

Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor

Printed Circuit Board or PCB Technology

One of the key concepts in electronics is the printed circuit board or PCB

Electronics in Smartphones

A smartphone is a mobile phone with an advanced mobile operating system

Electronics Engineering Fun

Electronics Engineering, is an engineering discipline which utilizes non-linear and active electrical components.

Friday, March 10, 2017

What is Moisture Sensor and applications?

Soil moisture sensors measure the water content in soil. Since the direct gravimeter measurement of free soil moisture requires removing, drying, and weighting of a sample, soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content indirectly by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant, or interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the moisture content. The relation between the measured property and soil moisture must be calibrated and may vary depending on environmental factors such as soil type, temperature, or electric conductivity. Reflected microwave radiation is affected by the soil moisture and is used for remote sensing in hydrology and agriculture. Portable probe instruments can be used by farmers or gardeners.
Soil moisture sensors refer to sensors that estimate water content. Another class of sensors measure another property of moisture in soils called water potential; these sensors are usually referred to as soil water potential sensors and include tensiometers and gypsum blocks.

Image result for moisture sensor


  • Landscape Irrigation
  • Agriculture
  • Research 
  • Gardens


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Usb Wall Outlet Hack

Picture of Usb Wall Outlet Hack
Everyone Uses It All the Time,Maybe You Are Using It Right Now As Well!
But Every phone has One Disadvantage!
That It Runs Out Of juice really Fast!
These Days Finding Phone Chargers make Our Heads Spin!
So I Decided To Hack My Ac Wall Outlet Into A Built In Phone Charger!
Now No one Can Remove your Charger From Your Room To Use It!
Moreover It Is Easy To Use As well As make!

Step 1: Gather All the Materials!!
Picture of Gather All the Materials!!
In Order To Hack Your Wall Outlet You Need a Few Things!
1) 5v USB Wall Adapter!(This Will Fit Inside The Ac Outlet!)
http://www.ebay.com/itm/EU-Euro-European-Wall-Char...2) Female Usb Port!(we are Not Going To Remove The Port From The USB Charger,Instead We are going To Connect a New one!)
(You Can Find These Locally!)

Step 2: Precaution!
Picture of Precaution!
Make Sure You Turn Off Your Main Power Of your House while opening the Ac Outlet!

Step 3: Removing The Front Panel!

Picture of Removing The Front Panel!
Now We Would need to remove the Front Panel Of Your AC Outlet!
Mine Has 4 Screws In The Front By which I took out the panel!
Now You Will find 3 Color wires in it!
The Color Might Be Different in Your AC outlet!
If You Don't Understand The Wires Better To Call A Electrician For this!

Step 4: Making Space For The New Usb Port!

Picture of Making Space For The New Usb Port!
Now You Need To Make A Rectangle Cutout For USB Port!

Step 5: Taking Apart The Wall Charger!

Picture of Taking Apart The Wall Charger!
Now We Need to Open Up The Wall Chargers Casing and take out its board from it!
Just apply a small amount of pressure near the Pins And it would come out!

Step 6: Replacing Wires On the Circuit Board!

Picture of Replacing Wires On the Circuit Board!
Now The Wires On The Circuit Board Are Really Short So We Need To extend Them, You Can do that by replacing them with new wires,Now Instead of Removing the USB from The Board,I Directly Soldered 2 Wires To the usb port on the circuit!
In My Case- Orange=Negative
red= Positive!

Step 7: Wiring Everything Up!

Picture of Wiring Everything Up!
Now I Prepared This Wiring Diagram!
Whole Project Is Based On This!
Now I Soldered The USB wires from the Circuit Board To the Female USB Port!
Make Sure to Solder In Right Polarities!

Step 8: Placing The Components inside!

Picture of Placing The Components inside!
Now Apply Some Hot Glue On the Back Of The Circuit Board & Place It Inside The Ac outlet!
Now Twist The Live Wire From The Circuit with the Live of Ac outlet
& Twist the negative wire from the Circuit To Negative Of AC outlet!
Screw The Front Panel Back Into its place!

Step 9: Testing!

Picture of Testing!
Now We Have Successfully hacked our AC outlet Into a AC outlet With Built In USB Charger!


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pipe Flow Detector

Picture of Pipe Flow Detector
If you need to detect water movement in a pipe (or air in a duct) from outside the pipe, this may help. This Arduino based device detects temperature changes and closes a relay contact. The pipe or duct has to change temperature when there is a flow for this to operate.

Step 1:

Picture of
flow - 1.jpg
Materials needed for this include:
Arduino Uno
9 volt dc power supply (for the Arduino)
Resistor (about 5K)
Misc. wire, solder, heat shrink tubing and mounting hardware
Connect the wires as shown in this schematic. I put the thermistor at the end of 5 feet of #22 wire.

Step 2:

Picture of
flow - 4.jpg
flow - 5.jpg
Use the software sketch provided in this step as a starting point.
The software will turn the relay on for ten seconds when a temperature difference is detected, then shut off. This timing (as well as the temperature change required to trigger the relay) can be adjusted in software.
Tape the thermistor to the pipe.
